Welcome to the Photo Upload Site for Your SJSU Tower ID Card!

Ready to get your Student I.D. card? Upload a color, professional quality photo to this site.

The photo requirements are listed below.

Acceptable Photos

  • Size: Standard passport size photo
  • Plain white background
  • You must be alone in the photo. No other people, pets, stickers, or other objects should be in the photo.
  • Head must be uncovered, except for clothing which is worn daily for religious reasons.
  • Your full face must be visible, and the head covering must not cast any shadows on your face.
  • Baseball caps or other hats may not be worn.
  • The photo must be taken in full-face view facing the camera with a neutral expression.
  • Prescription glasses may be worn and tinted glasses are acceptable if they are worn for medical reasons. However sunglasses are not allowed.
  • Glare on glasses is not acceptable in your photo. Glare can be avoided with a slight downward tilt of the glasses, by removing the glasses or by turning off the camera flash.
  • Headphones, wireless hands-free devices or similar items are not acceptable in your photo.
  • The photo should be recent, taken within the last few months to reflect current appearance.
Please see examples of acceptable and not acceptable photos below.

Photo Example click here